Sunday, 5 April 2020

Takarakuji Vol.6, Ch. 30 - I'll do my best.

Life Update:
Sorry this was later than usual.
As you can imagine, I'm in the same boat as most of you around the world right now.
I won't bore you with the details (especially if you've been keeping up with me on my discord), but timeline went like this in the last 2 months:
Coronavirus Pandemic >Work Overtime >Lockdown >Laid Off Job>Self Isolation >Taxes+Rent Due...

So yeah, now would really be an awesome time to donate to my paypal at (but only if you can, take care of yourselves first) if you have a coin to spare to toss to your wizard.

Project Update:
Since I'm laid off, and in self isolation, you can expect more chapters than usual soon™.
Now working on next chapter...and I bought the next volume as well and in the middle of working on that too.

I also found out where I can buy physical copies of the manga 2nd-hand that comes with exclusive pre-order bonus material (postcards) for prior volumes that’s available nowhere else, that I want to bid on and import via proxy buyer so I can personally scan them myself and share with you all, but that can be pricey...So that plan is on hold while I save up for that+when the pandemic is over and I’m not afraid to answer the door anymore for delivery; this is for the truly dedicated fans of Takarakuji that want everything related to it.

Wash your hands, stay home, and stay safe.


DL: Here
Read Online: Here

Buy the official manga in Japanese (not affiliated): (Print/Kindle)
Bookwalker (Digital)
eBookJapan (Digital)

Support me here. I buy the raws and any other series I like, as well as when it officially gets licensed in English to support the original author(s):


1 comment:

  1. Thank u always for ur great work...

    U too, stay alive...

